


Anthony Taylor

Anthony Taylor, Journalist

Anthony Taylor is an exceptional academic wizard junior at Purdue Polytechnic High School who is passionate about greeting anyone with a fist bump on random occasions. He takes great joy in computing and wishes to get involved in the computer side of the school. Behind the serious look, he has skills that would benefit him in college and after graduating. He’s also a game enthusiast and wants to run a little side gig for it while pursuing his professional outlook on computers. However, he doesn’t like silly activities; he despises fun unless it is his own “meaning.” There is no reason in particular, he exclaims, ‘it just clicked.”  He has a fully thought-out plan for how his future will go, combining his great skills, mental maturity, and thought process. His goal is to leave a small impact visibly, but a major impact behind the scenes

All content by Anthony Taylor
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